Social inclusion, Poor Children and Youth

New Approaches to the Study of Social Inclusion of Poor Children and Youth
Edited by Anita Borch and Kirsi Laitala

Deadline for Abstracts: 15 September 2021 Deadline for Articles: 30 January 2022Social Inclusion, peer-reviewed journal indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science; Impact Factor: 1.297) and Scopus (CiteScore: 2.1), welcomes new and exciting research papers for its upcoming issue “New Approaches to the Study of Social Inclusion of Poor Children and Youth,” edited by Anita Borch and Kirsi Laitala.
Poverty, often passed from one generation to another, is associated with an increased risk of being marginalized and socially excluded in childhood and adult life. Why some poor children connect to their surroundings while others do not is, however, insufficiently understood, diminishing our chance to develop efficient policy measures aiming to reduce social inequality and increase social mobility. This thematic issue seeks to bring the field of science on poverty and social inclusion/exclusion beyond the state-of-the-art and offer updated knowledge on social inclusion and exclusion of children and youth (up to 24-year-olds) from important areas in life such as education, labour, spare time activities or home. 

Authors interested in submitting a paper for this issue are encouraged to read the full call for papers here

Abstracts welcome by 15 September 2021.

Mariana Pires
Social Inclusion
Cogitatio Press
1070-129 Lisbon
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