Over 50 and MOOC

What do we know of people over50 attending MOOCs? For example, that they may use MOOCs as part of a constellation of cultural experiences

If you are interested in knowing more about adults attending MOOCs, you will discover that there is still little research on this specific group, representing a minority of the users. New insights are now available which have emerged from a study I published in a book edited by Springer that includes researches presented at the 7th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education Challenges, (LTEC 2018)(link is external), titled: What Learning Professionals Should Know.

The empirical study, titled “Adults’ Perception of MOOCs as Part of a Constellation of Cultural Experiences“ used grounded theory methodology to investigate adults’ accounts of their interest in and use of MOOC. Seventy-two Italian respondents were interviewed, all of them aged over 50. The study findings illustrate how the participants’ use of MOOC and other learning technologies is seen as relevant and offers meaningful and age appropriate experiences. More about the article


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