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Paris 8, Unité de Recherche « Transferts critiques anglophones » (TransCrit). Teaching: English for Academic Scientific Publications

Technical English and the European Vocabulary


Paris 8, Unité de Recherche « Transferts critiques anglophones » (TransCrit). Teaching: English for Academic Scientific Publications

2015 – 2018

Part time lecturer Université Lumière Lyon 2. France.

Laboratoire Éducation, Cultures, Politiques (EA 4571). Institut des Sciences et Pratiques d’Éducation et de Formation (ISPEF)


L1. TD Lire et écrire en sciences de l’éducation, 42h.

2016/2017 and 2017/2018: 

L2. Diversité des contextes et cultures associées, 21h.

L2. Liens entre politiques sociales, économiques et formation des adultes, 21h.

L3. Supports et technologies pour la formation des adultes, 21h.

2017/2018: Creation and delivery of a research methodology seminar for 2nd year students of the “Métiers de l’Intervention en Formation d’Adultes (MIFA) (Professional paths in Adult Training (MIFA)” Master, University of Lyon2. Direction of thesis of MIFA Master students.


Tutor on the FORSE Digital Campus (Consortium made up of the University of Lyon 2, the University of Rouen and the CNED) for students preparing for the License in Human and Social Sciences, Educational Sciences (L3).

2002 – 2012

University of Genoa, Italy. 

Part time lecturer. Faculty of Medicine.

L3: « Occupational Therapy ».

1999 – 2006

University of Genoa, Department of Anthropological Sciences (DISA – Dipartimento di scienze antropologiche).

Part-time professor in charge of seminars for 2 Masters: “Expert in management and new technologies in social communication”. (Esperto nel Management e nelle nuove tecnologie della comunicazione sociale) and “Internet Communication Designer” (Progettista di comunicazione in Internet).

Collaboration on two projects related to the use of technology in academia.

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