Categoria: Gender

  • Se former “entre les langues”

    40e congrès de l’APLIUT Association des Professeurs de Langues des Instituts Universitaires de Technologie Toulouse IUT Paul Sabatier et LAIRDIL L’internationalisation des formations et l’enseignement/apprentissage des langues Du 31 mai au 2 juin 2018 Atelier 22 Hanane BOUTENBAT & Rita BENCIVENGA Université Paris 8 Modératrice : Corinne Landure Samedi 2 juin 10.15 – 11.00 Se…

  • Genere e ricerca nelle Università Italiane

    Il Ministero dell’istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca ha presentato le “Indicazioni per azioni positive del MIUR sui temi di genere nell’Università e nella Ricerca”. Dal bilanciamento delle presenze femminili e maschili nei ruoli apicali e nella ricerca, alla valorizzazione del genere come contenuto e indice delle ricerche scientifiche, all’introduzione nelle università del bilancio di genere…

  • Gendered Inclusion in Contemporary Organisations

    ‘Gendered Inclusion in Contemporary Organisations’ ESRC Funded Seminar Series 2015-2018 will be running a FINAL 2-DAY EVENT Thursday, 31st of May – Friday, 1st of June 2018 Middlesex University, London The seminar is FREE TO ATTEND. Limited travel bursaries are available for PhD students (please email Maria Adamson m.adamson(at) DAY 1: Gendered Inclusion in ‘traditional’…

  • Genere: stereotipi e meccanismi (auto)segregativi nelle scelte formative e professionali

    Convegno Dal gender mainstreaming all’approccio intersezionale Nuove sfide per gli organismi di parità universitari 03-04/05/2018 – Università degli Studi di Genova, Aula Magna, Via Balbi 5, Genova Convegno annuale della Conferenza nazionale degli Organismi di Parità Universitari Stereotipi non solo di genere e meccanismi (auto)segregativi nelle scelte formative e professionali: il caso dei Piani di…

  • MOOC mixité et numérique

    Le premier MOOC sur la mixité dans les métier du numérique. Ce MOOC pédagogique et participatif, ouvert à toutes et tous, propose d’explorer certains aspects du monde des technologies numériques sous l’angle du “féminin-masculin”. Soutenu par la Fondation Mines-Télécom, il est présenté par l’Institut Mines-Télécom, Télécom EM, ainsi que par les expertes de Gender@Télécom. Découvrez…

  • Convegno: È un lavoro per donne

    In occasione della Giornata Internazionale della Donna, i Comitati Unici di Garanzia per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni (CUG) dell’Università degli Studi di Torino e del Politecnico di Torino, con la collaborazione del CIRSDe (Centro Interdisciplinare di Ricerche e Studi delle Donne e di Genere), organizzano il…

  • Feminist Environmental Studies

    The Duke University Program in Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies invites applications for a residential postdoctoral fellow in Feminist Environmental Studies for the 2018-2019 year. Through research, teaching, and service, the fellow will contribute to the overall work of the GSF Program. We seek candidates with interdisciplinary experience in Gender/Women’s/Sexuality Studies and a record of…

  • GEF, Genre Education Formation

    Le numéro 1 de la nouvelle revue GEF, Genre Education Formation est publié et accessible en ligne sur le site de la revue ( Ci-dessous un extrait de l’éditorial. « On ne naît pas femme, on le devient ». À partir du moment où il est affirmé qu’aucune nature, qu’aucune biologie, qu’aucun destin pré-écrit ne permet ni…

  • Economies de la sexualité : travail, marché, valeur

    Appel à articles Revue française de socio-économie Economies de la sexualité : travail, marché, valeur  Au cours des dernières décennies, les sciences sociales de la sexualité se sont emparées de catégories issues de l’économie. Elles ont par exemple envisagé la prostitution et la pornographie comme des activités productives, faisant l’objet d’évaluations économiques, donnant lieu à des…

  • The effect of women’s workplace networks on their chances of obtaining positions of authority

    XXXVIII Sunbelt Conference 2018, June 26-July 1, 2018 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. CALL FOR ABSTRACTS The effect of women’s workplace networks on their chances of obtaining positions of authority Women continue to be underrepresented in positions of organizational authority globally. Existing evidence shows that employee characteristics and macro factors far from account for the whole…

  • Difference, Diversity, Diffraction

    The CfP of the 2018 European Feminist Research Conference is out. Organised by ATGENDER with Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, it will take place on September 12-15 in Göttingen, DE. Its theme will be ‘Difference, Diversity, Diffraction: Confronting Hegemonies and Dispossessions’. We welcome proposals for oral & poster presentations and panels, as part of one of the 11 streams. Additionally,…

  • Postgraduate course Feminisms in a Transnational Perspective

    Call for Applications The topic of the 12th postgraduate course Feminisms in a Transnational Perspective: Fear, Resistance, Imagination was prompted by the escalation of the global culture of “horrorism”, hate, and militarism connected with the stagnation of the liberal project and a weakened “West.” A plethora of contemporary fears has emerged to mask the destructive…

  • Genre, Médias et Communication

    Le vendredi 8 décembre 2017, de 16h à 18h,  Cégolène Frisque (MCF, Université de Rennes 1, CRAPE-Arènes) parlera des « Rapports à la précarité et trajectoires genrées chez les journalistes en situation instable » dans le cadre du séminaire Genre, Médias et Communication organisé par l’équipe EPIN du laboratoire COSTECH (UTC) et le laboratoire IRMECCEN (Sorbonne Nouvelle). Rapports à la…

  • La revue GEF : Genre Éducation Formation

    Il y a cinq ans, l’ARGEF l’association de recherche en éducation et formation a été créée dans le but de fédérer les dynamismes et les énergies au sein d’un groupe de recherches interdisciplinaires sur le genre en éducation et formation. Poursuivant cette finalité l’ARGEF passe à une nouvelle étape en créant une revue scientifique accessible…

  • Gender Campus

    Grâce au soutien de presque toutes les hautes écoles suisses, la plateforme a été entièrement repensée et reconstruite, tant au niveau technique qu’à celui du contenu.   La première partie qui comprend notamment la gestion des actualités et des newsletters, est à présent en ligne.   La rubrique “Actuel” contient des annonces d’événements, des offres…

  • Women, gender and disability

    INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP 21 SEPTEMBER 2017 University of Genoa Aula Magna Giurisprudenza Via Balbi, 5 – Genova, Italy Risewise_Workshop_programme The workshop aims to promote an international exchange of theoretical reflection, research and case studies about women and disability, in order to individuate and confront current perspectives and best practices in different disciplines. The workshop will host…

  • Women and disability: an interdisciplinary approach

    INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP – Call for Abstracts Women and disability: an interdisciplinary approach – social inclusion and assistive technology Genova, 21th September 2017 Location: University of Genoa, Italy, Via Balbi 5, Aula Magna Call for Abstracts The workshop aims to promote an international exchange of research and case studies about the women and disability, in order…

  • Gender and Sexualities in (Post-) Revolutionary Situations

    Call for papers for a special issue of “Ethnologie française”, scheduled for publication in Spring 2019. “Since 2009, Middle Eastern and North African countries including Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Turkey, Syria, and Bahrain have experienced multi-sectorial upheavals1of an intensity not seen since the era of independences. These periods of political effervescence have involved widespread participation…

  • Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership

    It is time to celebrate the launch of the new Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership (TCGEL). TCGEL is being established to deliver the Trinity College Dublin University’s strategic objectives to advance gender equality. Recognising the work done by  WiSER (Centre for Women in Science and Engineering Research, TCD) to recruit, retain, return and…

  • Are you a digital curious?

    The digital curious: a bridge between analogue and digital natives? If you were born between 1952 and 1961, you might belong to a new typology: the digital curious From the EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) platform: “If you are uncomfortable calling yourself an “analogue native” and feel as skilled as a digital…

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