Autore: Rita Bencivenga

  • Masculinities: Trans/forming Men

    Masculinities: Trans/forming Men

    About Gender, International Journal of Gender Studies,  is a peer-reviewed international journal which aims to represent a reference point for scholars, academics and non-academics engaged in research and reflection on gender, with an interdisciplinary view. AG intends to enhance the dialogue between interpretative approaches and different analytical perspectives. CALL FOR ARTICLES Masculinities: Trans/forming Men: Changes, Resiliences and Reconfigurations. Edited by: Krizia Nardini…

  • Unioni civili. Progresso o regresso?

    La sezione Incursioni dell’ultimo numero della rivista AboutGender affronta il tema delle unioni civili con una serie di riflessioni raggruppate sotto il titolo “L’amore ai tempi delle unioni civili. Progresso o regresso?”. Un estratto dell’introduzione, a cura di Isabel Fanlo Cortés: “Proprio in omaggio a questa varietà di posizioni e ragioni, troppo spesso destinata a rimanere in…

  • Inequalities: What contributions…

    Call for papers of the EducA Congress: Inequalities: What contributions for the ” educations …for” ? to be held in Hammamet (Tunisia) 2 – 3 and 4 March 2017 at the Diar Lemdina Hotel. Laguages : French – English – Arabic (not yet available) A selection of the best articles will be subject to…

  • From Cosmos to Genes

    TS3: From Cosmos to Genes: New Materialist Methodologies Crossing the Humanities, Natural, and Technosciences. Call for Participation: Training School ‘From Cosmos to Genes: New Materialist Methodologies Crossing the Humanities, Natural, and Technosciences.’  23-26 August 2016, Charles University Prague. With speakers: Natasha Myers, Astrid Schrader and Eva Hayward Deadline for applications: May 13th, 2016 With significant movements in human populations, the emerging impacts of climate change, ecological, political,…

  • La filosofia del dovere

    La filosofia del dovere

    Premio per un saggio su “La filosofia del dovere” February 24, 2016 La Direzione della rivista “Ragion pratica“, accedendo alla richiesta di una donatrice anonima, bandisce un premio di € 2000 (duemila euro) per un saggio dedicato alla “filosofia del dovere”. In un’epoca votata, quantomeno a parole, alla tutela dei diritti individuali, il proposito del…

  • Investigating Gender-Based Violence

    Investigating Gender-Based Violence

    The project Bleeding Love: Raising Awareness on Domestic and Dating Violence Against Lesbians and Transwomen in the European Union, co-funded by the European Commission within the specific program “Daphne 2007-2013”. It aims at countering domestic and dating violence against lesbian, bisexual and transwomen (LBT in acronym). The project involves several European Union member states (Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Portugal,…

  • The Politics of Feminist Knowledge Transfer

    The book draws together analytical work on gender training and gender expertise. Its chapters critically reflect on the politics of feminist knowledge transfer, understood as an inherently political, dynamic and contested process, the overall aim of which is to transform gendered power relations in pursuit of more equal societies, workplaces and policies.

  • Genre et discriminations sexistes et homophobes, GEDI

    Programme de recherche “Genre et discriminations sexistes et homophobes, GEDI“ Agréé par le conseil scientifique de la MSH Ange-Guépin en novembre 2012 et financé par le Conseil régional des Pays de la Loire APPEL À CANDIDATURES UNIVERSITE D’ETE – GEDI   LIEU : DOMAINE DE PORT AUX ROCS AU CROISIC   DATE : 8-11 JUIN…

  • ECU launches the Race Equality Charter

    First awards for race equaltiy in HE ECU’s Race Equality Charter, the first award scheme recognising race equality work in higher education, was officially launched on 20 January 2016. The commitment and progress of all the trial participants was celebrated with eight Bronze awards presented by Professor Laura Serrant, a patron of the Race Equality…

  • Gender and adult education

    Gender and adult education

    “All adult educators base their work on a theory or paradigm, believes Professor Jyri Manninen*. It is another matter whether the practitioner’s choice of theory is conscious or unconscious.” Althought the article does not speak about gender, I wonder how we could apply Manninen’s interview to “gender” in adult education. Manninen is Professor of Adult & Continuing…

  • Genere e tecnologia

    Genere e tecnologia

    Genere e tecnologia: rinnovate alleanze per promuovere l’inclusione sociale Introduzione Il campo di studi interdisciplinare che analizza i rapporti fra donne, uomini, genere e tecnologia, denominato Gender and Technology studies, dagli anni Settanta del secolo scorso ha analizzato e discusso in maniera critica numerose tecnologie: riproduttive, ambientali, informatiche, di uso domestico o lavorativo. Le ricerche,…

  • 2015 European gender Summit –  Report

    2015 European gender Summit – Report

    7th GENDER SUMMIT – Europe Berlin, 6 – 7 November 2015 REPORT FROM THE 2015 EUROPEAN GENDER SUMMIT TO THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AND EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Research and Innovation Quality through Equality: Mastering Gender in Research Performance, Context and Outcomes Executive Summary Three gender concerns dominated the debate at the Summit: The persistence of the…

  • Maternités, paternités

    Journée d’étude “Maternités, paternités – Représentations, Pratiques, Nouvelles perspectives” – jeudi 9 juin 2016. Université Paris Diderot – Paris 7 Cette journée d’étude, ouverte à de jeunes chercheur-ses en sciences humaines et sociales, abordera les représentations et pratiques liées à la parentalité, aux maternités et paternités – d’un point de vue biologique, légal et/ou social –…

  • Challenges in achieving gender equality in research and innovation

    GENDER-NET is a pilot transnational research policy initiative funded by the European Commission under the  Science in Society workprogramme of the seventh Framework Programme (FP7), designed to address the common challenges still facing European research institutions in achieving gender equality in research and innovation. These challenges concern the persistent barriers and constraints to the recruitment, advancement and…

  • (Re)politiser les discours sur la photographie

    (Re)politiser les discours sur la photographie

    (Re)politiser les discours sur la photographie 7 décembre 2015 à Paris Diderot – Paris 7 salle 265E, Halle aux Farines Avec la participation de Jorge Ribalta, président de séance invité Cette journée d’étude a pour objectif de faire découvrir, dialoguer et se confronter les travaux de jeunes chercheur·e·s européen·ne·s, avec la volonté de croiser des approches de…

  • Generazione shuffle. Traiettorie biografiche tra reversibilità e progetto

    Generazione shuffle. Traiettorie biografiche tra reversibilità e progetto

    “Generazione shuffle. Traiettorie biografiche tra reversibilità e progetto” di Sebastiano Benasso, Aracne Editrice, 2013 Cosa significa essere trentenni oggi? Le narrazioni biografiche di questa generazione fanno risaltare la complessità di processi di costruzione identitaria nei quali, per venire a patti con la “crisi del senso” e fronteggiare l’incertezza, si ricorre a un ventaglio di “strategie…

  • Global future perspectives in gender studies emerging from international debate

    Global future perspectives in gender studies emerging from international debate

    Global future perspectives in gender studies emerging from international debate. Round Table About Gender. N. 1. 2015. Special issue “Current perspectives on gender studies in thirteen countries are debated in the four Round Tables re-printed in this special supplement of the Journal About Gender (AG). The AG Round Table is a chaired forum – organised…

  • Féminismes matérialistes et analyses critiques

    Féminismes matérialistes et analyses critiques  Séminaire public 2015-2016 Centré sur les féminismes matérialistes, leurs développements et formes de renouvellement, ce séminaire voudrait contribuer à mettre au jour quelques-unes des avancées et tensions qui traversent actuellement la réflexion sur le genre et participent du questionnement sur l’émancipation. Avec la diffusion de la posture postmoderne, le déclin tendanciel du référent…

  • Que fait le genre à l’histoire du XIXe siècle ?

    “Que fait le genre à l’histoire du XIXe siècle?” Journées d’études organisées par : Lola Gonzalez-Quijano (LaDéHIS, GENRE-CRH, EHESS), Caroline Fayolle (Rennes 2, Paris 8/ EA 1571), Elizabeth Claire (CNRS, GENRE-CRH-EHESS), Sylvie Steinberg (EHESS, GENRE-CRH), et le Groupe de recherche genre du CRH Ces deux journées d’étude entendent relire l’histoire du long XIXe siècle français au prisme du genre et…

  • Pourquoi (ne pas) faire une éducation féministe ?

    Pourquoi (ne pas) faire une éducation féministe ?

     Séminaire Institut Émilie du Châtelet “Pourquoi (ne pas) faire une éducation féministe ? De la première à la deuxième vague, de l’individuel au collectif, du personnel au politique” Avec Vanina Mozziconacci, Philosophe (ENS de Lyon, laboratoire Triangle)  L’idée que les différences entre femmes et hommes doivent être expliquées par la socialisation et l’éducation plutôt que par la nature est…

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