Autore: Rita Bencivenga
Glass ceiling or sinking floor?
The most urgent issue facing working Americans today is not the glass ceiling. It is the sinking floor. So wouldn’t it make more sense to focus on gender-neutral economic policies? STEPHANIE COONTZ How Can We Help Men? By Helping Women
Call for presentations
Interruptions: Sciences, Feminisms, Knowledges The conference engages feminist and STS perspectives in the questions raised by the encounters between, among, in, through, and of sciences and feminisms. 18-19 April 2014, UC Berkeley Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society (CSTMS) cfp_interruptions
Kate Millet: call for papers
An Interdisciplinary Conference on Kate Millett 30 May 2014. School of Arts Birkbeck, University of London Millett became an iconic figure of second wave feminism after the publication of Sexual Politics in 1970. As one of the first pieces of academic feminism to come out of the American academy, Sexual Politics was a handbook of the Women’s Liberation Movement.…
Dress codes, male gazes
When you tell a girl what to wear (or force her to cover up with an oversized T-shirt), you control her body. When you control a girl’s body—even if it is ostensibly for her ‘own good’—you take away her agency. You tell her that her body is not her own. When you deem a girl’s…
Polarizzazioni dannose
La polarizzazione fra i “due” generi in Italia si fa purtroppo sempre più estrema. Cominciano a sentirsi echi della polemica su una supposta e inesistente “teoria del genere”, polemica che ha agitato la Francia negli ultimi mesi. In tutta questa confusione, conviene riflettere su come ogni parola, ogni atteggiamento, rinforzano visioni che producono conflitto e…
La féminisation des noms de métiers
Entretien avec Maria Candea maîtresse de conférences à l’université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. En français, comme dans d’autres langues romanes, la règle est variable : l’accord dépend du prestige de chaque métier…
MIT open courseware
38 undergraduate and graduate women’s and gender courses. In the course of their inquiry, students not only learn how to use gender as a category of analysis, but also reflect on the manifestation of gender in their own lives, leading to a range of personal and intellectual discoveries. Although gender is a central component of…
Call for abstracts
Gendering Cities, , designing Sustainable Urban Environments for All, aims at advancing a better understanding of the gender dimensions of environmentally related topics within the Grand Challenges included in the new European Research Framework Program Horizon 2020. The conference will be held in Rome, Late September / October 2014. Deadline for sending the abstracts: March 15th 2014.…
Women’s and Gender Studies
MIT offers 38 undergraduate and graduate courses on women’s and gender studies In the course of their inquiry, students not only learn how to use gender as a category of analysis, but also reflect on the manifestation of gender in their own lives, leading to a range of personal and intellectual discoveries. Although gender is…
Trans staff and students in higher education
Trans staff and students in higher education Il Gender Equality Index italiano e’ pari a 40,9. La media europea e’ 54,0. Svezia e Danimarca sono a 74,3 e 73,6. Ma senza cercare confronti con gli estremi, ecco un esempio relativo al Regno Unito, che tutto sommato ha un indice di “solo” 60.4. (fonte Gender Equality…
2014 : un monde plus vivable pour tou*?
Judith Butler, Le Nouvel Observateur Je n’ai jamais pensé qu’il fallait un monde sans genre, un monde post-genre, de même que je ne crois pas à un monde post-racial…..L’Allemagne vient de créer un troisièmegenre dans les catégories de l’administration. Voilà une façon de rendre le monde plus vivable pour tout le monde. 2014 : un monde plus vivable…