The aim of Gender, Place and Culture is to provide a forum for debate in human geography and related disciplines on theoretically-informed research concerned with gender issues. It also seeks to highlight the significance of such research for feminism and women”s studies (source).
Gender, Place and Culture is publishing a series of papers this year in recognition of the fact that the journal is now printing its 21st volume. The first three papers have been published and are currently available with free access – please follow the links below:
The way of the flesh: life, geopolitics and the weight of the future
Deborah Dixon
Bodies, gender, place and culture: 21 years on
Robyn Longhurst and Lynda Johnston
Ways of seeing: sexism the forgotten prejudice?
Gill Valentine, Lucy Jackson and Lucy Mayblin
Also, the GPC Jan Monk Distinguished Annual lecture paper by Melissa Wright remains free to access as well:
The Gender, Place and Culture Jan Monk Distinguished Annual Lecture: Gentrification, assassination and forgetting in Mexico: a feminist Marxist take
Melissa Wright